May have trouble against big groups though. It can be modded with more capacitors, a shielded barrel and a compensator or suppressor.Capacitors and exposed copper wiring run alongside the barrel, and a nixie tube display above the stock gives the weapon's charge percentage. Made with Zbrush, 3dsmax and Substance painter. it will help you have an overview and solid multi-faceted knowledge. The Gauss rifle appears to be a sleek chrome weapon, similar to its counterparts in Fallout 2, Fallout 3 and Fallout: New Vegas and looks almost exactly like its Anchorage-eracounterpart. On the left side of a weapon is a 'magazine' however, unlike the Anchorage version, the projectile is stored in the ammunition so the use of protrusion is unclear. The CC version in 4 is used to power up the shot, but uses 2mm EC. The weapon is operated using a crank which loads additional 2mm EC cartridges into the weapon. It's CLEARLY based on the gauss rifle from Fallout 3 and New Vegas. The Gauss Rifle's damage is one of the highest in Fallout 4, and a two-shot variant would be one of the best to find, though a few other mods are desirable as well, such as VATS-enhanced, Violent, Lucky, Instigating (if without a companion who may break the Legendary bonus) and Penetrating (especially in combination with the Rifleman Perk). Which is why I would like to request someone make a mod adding the Lahti 元9 anti-tank rifle. it was pretty small the size of a normal rifle really. Since they were essentially hand held rail guns.

, For an overview of Gauss rifle models in the.