Reputation Bump Breakdown Points BreakdownĮxample: a script that says player.addreputation 001558e6 1 5 would result in a very major reputation bump, adding 12 points of fame and instantly promoting the player an entire reputation level. Each action that gains fame or infamy is assigned a set value in the editor, which is added via script: Negative reputation can be earned by things such as killing members of a group, being caught stealing, lying, being rude or treating people poorly, or completing quests for the opposite side. Completing quests, helping people, and generally making oneself useful will result in accumulating positive reputation points.

The player character may receive discounts with merchants, provoke attacks from hired thugs, or simply be treated differently. The benefits and drawbacks of any given reputation depend on the group itself. Both types of reputation are tracked separately, the combination of which determines one's reputation with any given faction. Reputation is separated into two categories: Fame and Infamy. It is affected by positive and negative deeds that affect the faction in question, such as completing quests or killing members, respectively.

Reputation in Fallout: New Vegas is a measurement of how the different factions in the Mojave Wasteland perceive the player character.